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Industrialized paper making has an effect on the environment both upstream (where raw materials are acquired and processed) and downstream (waste-disposal impacts). Recycling paper reduces this impact. Millenium Papers "GO GREEN" initiative is a major breakthrough in the paper producing industry and Millenium Papers feels proud to have introduced this initiative. Using recycled waste paper as the feed stock, Millenium Papers has revolutionized the Paper industry, thus gaining a heads up as a environment friendly organization, which strongly believes and practices saving and retaining the earthly glory of our planet.The existing trend in the paper industry has proved beyond doubt that it is essential to balance the consumer needs keeping in mind the environmental concerns.

AT Millenium Papers we use waste paper as the raw material to manufacture high grade paper products. We ensure that we have Sustained availability of high quality of raw materials and bulk import of waste paper to support the availability of raw materials, Adequate modernization of the manufacturing assets, Infrastructure are well equipped with the state of the art technologies and Well defined processes for conducting regular quality checks.

At Millenium Papers we manufacture only Eco-friendly products which are comparable to the International standards in the paper production industry. Every Millenium Papers employees are aware how important it is to save our planet from the effect of global warming and deforestation and build a clean, green Eco-friendly environment for us to lead a long healthy life.

In Pursuit of these concerns Millenium Papers ensures Environmental Protection and Waste Minimization is the Responsibility of every employee and for people working for and on behalf of the company this aspect will be an integral part of their working life. The organization meets its responsibilities by conforming To all applicable Environmental Legislation and regulatory Requirements, along with other requirements to which the Company subscribes, in relation to its environmental Aspects.

Prime consideration is given to the prevention of pollution and proper systems have been installed for the elimination of waste and emissions which result from the Manufacturing process followed to produce paper.

Resources Saved Per Ton of Paper Recycled.

  • 17 trees,
  • 275 pounds of sulphur,
  • 350 lbs of limestone,
  • 9,000 lbs of steam,
  • 60,000 gallons of water,
  • 225 kilowatt hours &
  • 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.

Today, as always, Millenium Papers focuses on the Four R of Environmental Stewardship:

  • Recycle,
  • Reuse,
  • Reduce
  • Respect for our resources and our earth.

To end this, the Millenium Papers manufacturing process and our end products are dedicated to:

  • Saving trees
  • Saving landfill space
  •  Saving water consumption
  •   Saving energy

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